Leaky CRIMe Plants Polluting Our Public Drinking Water Supplies

PayPal Donation Link: https://www.paypal.com/biz/fund?id=AHH32GGSRLEWJ


CRIMe plants cause decades- and century-long REAL insidious and steady contamination of natural water resources, such as freshwater, private and public groundwater (wells) and surface water (lakes) drinking water supply sources, including Lake Michigan and the Great Lakes system as a whole.  Thus another reason for calling them CRIME plants, is simply because what they have been, and are still doing at many locations under many laws REALLY constitutes multiple violations of local, state and federal laws as covered by local ordinances and state and federal statutes, of which there are many that deal with these type of crimes. What these leaky CRIME PLANTS are, and have been doing, is causing REAL negative impacts, not only to the environment, but also to the general welfare (property devaluations, etc.) and the health & safety of the public locally (e.g., Grand Rapids Metro*) and in the State (e.g., MI) and Region (e.g., Midwest/Great Lakes) – the latter highlighted here as the “POSTER” community, state and region where the CRIMe plant issue is prevalent. The criminals/perpetrators associated with the violations occurring at these leaky CRIMe plants are the OWNERS/OPERATORS of these plants, including those in their employ or contracted with this plants related to this misdeeds (esp. the licensed professionals who have sworn to the PUBLIC OATH – engineers, attorneys, etc.), and the elected and appointed public officials who have sworn to this same PUBLIC OATH of “protecting the general welfare and health & safety of the PUBLIC” as they are turning a blind eye and deaf ear to it all.

Citizens just have to accept these cold hard facts, and stop waiting around for the local, state and federal public officials and their agencies or the big powerful plaintiff attorneys to come to your rescue, because this JUST AIN’T GOING TO HAPPEN!! The plaintiff attorneys aren’t coming soon to take your case on a contingency basis (only paid if they win) because the potential damages that might be awarded in court just don’t add up to enough to satisfy their wallets because you live in a neighborhood that is served by pubic water so you haven’t been drinking enough of the CRIMe plant’s nasty chemicals over the years, or been poisoned enough by some other means like excessive air toxics through the air (air permit violations) or from contaminated groundwater oozing into your basement or into the soils, ditches, creeks, etc. where your children play. And then proving that you or your loved ones have been afflicted with the onset of cancer some ten years later is always hard to predict and prove. And since you live in a low to medium income neighborhood, any devaluation in your property values will only amount to a day’s worth of pocket change for the rich/fancy plaintiff attorney who doesn’t work cheap.

SO YOUR ONLY HOPE IS THIS: YOU AND YOUR NEIGHBORS get together, and get involved with “REAP” (youREAPwhatyousow.org) and PACATO.org (Principled American Citizens and Allies Together to Orchestrate) and get out there and sample and test around these CRIMe plants and bring that incriminating evidence,  (while at the same time publicizing the issue) that I am sure you will find (fingerprint chemicals associated with plant), to the public elected and appointed officials/agencies, and tell them you want to see that the violating CRIMe plant be held accountable and that the plant ceases polluting the environment and the public and that they initiate corrective action immediately, including environmental remediation and upgrading their plant with appropriate environmental safeguards, and to cease operations until they do so. And if duly elected and appointed public officials and their agencies respond as they have so many times in the past with a deaf ear and a blind eye and they don’t pursue enforcement (e.g., Year 2000, MI AG and Governor and his DEQ: see attachments in youREAPwhatyousow.org) then you have no other choice, other than going the next step higher to the state and federal court system and file legal action against these public officials for CLEAR, UNDENIABLE AND ILLEGAL “BREACH OF PUBLIC DUTY”. You simply have to recognize that you and “we as a whole”, have so much stacked against us; i.e., we have a political system that funds, caters and works to elect these public officials that is flush with high paying, and highly networked lobbyists, who are typically former public elected or appointed officials, who work 24/7 for the wealthy CRIMe plant owners and their manufacturing/trade associations, and OEMs, etc. – original equipment manufacturers – GM, Ford, etc.).  So until we can truly get good public representation (i.e., “a government of, by and for the people” – perhaps with a few less hundred thousand connected self-serving attorneys and multi-millionaires/billionaires interwoven into these positions), all we can do is “take these matters into our own hands” in a law abiding manner according to our legal rights as `just described.

*Home of Secretary DeVos, the Amagram, Amdroids (multi-level pyramid marketing), self-righteous CRC and POTUS “Its” Midwest Headquarters (POTUS “It” has been there repeatedly, and was there on election night 2016, when “It” won/stole the election, and is due there again any day following “Its” sidekick AG’s Barr’s announcement after a quick review of Mueller report that “It” was exonerated on Russian collusion  but not on obstruction of justice, although “It” said “It” was exonerated on both (LIE), which certainly Special Prosecutor Mueller fully intended that Congress would look into further).              

*Also home of many CRIMe plants that have been there polluting the area and the public for going on a century, including chromium electroplaters, leather tanneries, paper/pulp mills (Muskegon) and a heavy concentration of other metal and surface finishers, including a whole assortment of electroplating plants plating various heavy metals, such as copper, nickel, zinc, etc. Great place to walk through a field of white lilies on your way with the flock to your favorite Christian church; but not so great if you’re among the dandelions and don’t follow the ways of the flock and congregate among the non CRC, non Christians, agnostics or atheists. 

Inter-Relationship: PACATO, PEWHASOP, UGLY & REAP (youREAPwhatyousow.org)

PayPal Donation Link: https://www.paypal.com/biz/fund?id=AHH32GGSRLEWJ

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly



Pg 1: UGLY (Usurp, Greedy, Lackluster and Yearning for attention 24/7)



Pg 2: PEWHASOP.org: Protect Environment & general Welfare & Health And Safety Of Public

Pg 4: GoPP.global: People’s Party and PIE (Public Informational/Educational) Platform





You can decide for yourself, but as portrayed herein and elsewhere on affiliated web sites, The Good, the Bad and Ugly are PACATO, CRIMe plants and UGLY (Usurp, Greedy, Lackluster and Yearning for attn 24/7), respectively. PACATO is representing several affiliated web sites under CommonGoodUnited.org, including PEWHASOP.org (discussed herein), youREAPwhatVFGBVTMJVFRCDX yousow.org (REAP, Reality Environmental Action Proponents), People’s Party Platform (GoPP.global: also discussed herein) and UGLY.network.

PACATO (PACATO.org) are the good principled people who believe character (minimum Character 101) is important, and they seek out allies to collaborate with for the betterment of Humanity and the Planet.

The CRIMe plants (youREAPwhatyousow.org) are the “leaky” Chemically Real Intensive Manufacturing establishments who freely and illegally pollute the planet and it citizens for the maximization of profits at the expense and detriment to the health & safety and welfare of the public.

UGLY (Usurp, Greedy, Lackluster and Yearning for attention 24/7)

What the UGLY acronym stands for as previously given was unanimously agreed upon based on POTUS “It”.  More on this:

  1. The “U” is self explanatory, and pertains to how “It” got to be POTUS in the first place (Usurping via Russian collusion, etc.), and our only hope of getting rid of “It” is for a candidate to beat “It” in 2020, or for the U.S. Congress to perform its duty to the U.S. citizens by impeaching and convicting “it” for his many misdeeds. For “It”, “U” also stands for Ubiquitous, Uninspiring and just plain “UGLY right down to the bone” for this empty shell of a human being.
  2. Besides “Greed”, the “G” also stands for Glorified, which “It” fully expects now and is accustomed to before he stole the presidency as a “Reality TV” celebrity, while living a life then (and now) devoid of reality and human feelings. In “Its” Glibness, “It” continually insults:
    1. whole races, nations/nationals and religions (e.g., broad international U.S. Muslim ban; calling sovereign nations “sh_thole countries” related to U.S. policy on immigration );
    1. those with disabilities and other abnormalities;
    1. those with a physical appearance that does not meet UGLY.org’s limited unqualified qualifications criteria;
    1. those with an intelligence that does meet UGLY.org’s limited unqualified qualifications criteria;
    1. foreign nationals fleeing severe homeland persecution and deprivation by separating families as a part of policy strategy to discourage those desperate individuals and their families from seeking asylum;
    1. denigrating and downgrading war heroes, when alive and after death (Sen. McCain); etc.
  3. The “L” is self explanatory as evidenced by the many basic human qualities “It” Lacks as displayed constantly in a Loud and Ludicrous manner as displayed by the “U”, “G”, “L” and “Y”.
  4. The “Y” is for constantly Yearning for 24/7 attention and Glorification, which “It” expected during “Its” Reality TV years, which hasn’t changed much since “It” became POTUS.
  5. “Y” for the color Yellow, associated with cowards and a typical bully, and also the color of the UGLY.org logo which is translucent, with little substance.                                                                              

MOURNING FOR FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS: We mourn and grieve for the tens of millions people migrating all over the globe, some dying by drowning or starvation, and getting separated from or losing their family members, as they strive just to survive and perhaps have a better life. We mourn the Chinese people engulfed in manmade pollution, making their air unbreathable and the water resources they depend on for drinking water laden with cancerous chemicals, which is a foretelling of what is to come here in the U.S. if leaky CRIMe plants are not held accountable and allowed to continue operating without needed environmental safeguards; which in effect, is continuously and insidiously degrading the quality of our natural water resources, and in particular the quality of our public water supply sources, like Lake Michigan and the Great Lakes, that together with Grand Rapids-MI-Metro/W MI, State of Michigan, U.S. Midwest/ Great Lakes Region, represent the REAP designated “Poster Community”, “Poster State”, “Poster U.S. Region” and “Poster World Nation” for an all out effort by concerned citizens to uncover, prosecute, demand corrective action/remediation of a century-long world/U.S. problem with leaky CRIMe plants.

MOURNING FOR ENVIRONMENT, ANIMALS AND FELLOW MAMMALS: We mourn the flora and fauna being stripped from the earth or dying or becoming extinct in the path of feeding the large appetite of the greedy and just for basic human subsistence for world population, especially all the fellow FL mammals and aquatic life passing in the blue/green and red tides of the after year – the breach was prevented by the government officials/breachers at Lake Okeechobee, and the deluge and drowning did not occur, but a zillion deaths of God’s creatures did. W MI fears the day the century old dams in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, will be torn down to unleash river toxins to the Big Lake/Lake Michigan.

PEWHASOP.org: Protect Environment & general Welfare & Health And Safety Of Public

GoPP.global, or the People’s Party and its associated Public Information/Educational (PIE) Platform was originally conceived as the PEWHASOP (“pew has op”), but was changed to GoPP (“Go People’s Party” for simplification and ease of memory purposes, and also because the People’s Party name was more appropriate. Nonetheless, it is still worth going over the aspects of the original name because of the very pertinent points that were made. Incidentally, the applicable website is called PEWHASOP.org.

People often associate “pew” with the Pew Research Center which is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world – it oftentimes can be a good resource for politicians and political parties to get a sense of the public’s current concerns about government and its leaders, and the everyday issues concerning citizens over a period of time. Without taking policy positions, Pew Research Center conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research. Besides the latter, others commonly associate the word “pew” with church. With all that is going today, many get comfort in going to their  place of worship wherever and whatever it happens to be, where they sit in that pew if provided, or kneel, stand or sit on the ground; whatever is customary or suitable for the individual. Being at a place of worship gives citizens an opportunity to join their body, mind, and spirit along with their fellow human compatriots and seek out that which is “good for the betterment of humanity and the planet”

The “has” in PEWHASOP, reminds us what “has” been the fundamental basis for the centralized governmental structure of the United States since it first declared its fundamental foundation, the U.S. Constitution. It makes us long for what has been our roots in the USA, and a majority of us want to see it made whole again. Therefore, we shall all resolve as “has” been done in the past, that those who have perished in the past defending his/her country, shall not have died in vain, and we stand together and vow that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom once again going back to its core values as framed under the constitution, of having a government OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, AND FOR THE PEOPLE, which forever shall be our motto and our commitment forthwith so that we shall not perish from our blessed earth.”

So going back to PEWHASOP, we shall “operate” (abbreviated as “Op” or “Ops”) by this basic and simple core constitutional principle, and in conjunction with this guiding principle, we, the men and women of this nation shall join WITH OUR ALLIES FROM NEAR AND AFAR (primary mission of PACATO) to “operate” foremost in a fashion fiscally and advantageous to our citizens in a manner that PROTECTS THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE GENERAL WELFARE AND HEALTH & SAFETY OF THE PUBLIC. This is a high moral and ethical standard obligated by many professionals, such as engineers, attorneys, doctors and others (including PUBLIC OFFICIALS) who swear to an oath to comply with this basic principle, and those who lead and operate the government shall do no less, as they are obligated by law to do so.

Our citizens should be able to conduct their daily routines wherever they happen to be knowing that the environment around them is being protected, preserved and restored as needed, and that their surroundings in the public sphere and work place are such that their general welfare and health & safety has the needed safeguards to allow them to live in peace and harmony with their environment and their fellow men and women, and that their health & safety and general subsistence is there (including shelter) to allow them to survive and enjoy a reasonable amount of happiness and pleasure in their lives while minimizing any avoidable pain and suffering. These are all simple and basic principles based on the MUTUAL “RESPECT” AND LOVE OF OUR FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS AND THE ONE AND ONLY PLANET THAT WE PRESENTLY OCCUPY.  We are a People’s Party, and we are not a party devoted to the aggrandizement and maximization of the wealth of a small percentage (1 %) of our population at the detriment of the overall general welfare and health & safety of the public. We do not oppose the entrepreneurial spirit, which is a necessary fabric of our economy, but we simply advocate AGAINST THE CORPORATE STRATEGY OF MINIMIZING AND INADEQUATELY FUNDING BOTTOM-LINE CAPITAL AND OPERATING COSTS associated with PROTECTING the environment and WORKER HEALTH & SAFETY and the general welfare and health & safety of the public at the detriment to the workers and public to maximize profits and personal/individual/corporate wealth of the few. WE ARE DEVOTED TO THE PEOPLE and not the corporate mentality to minimize operating and capital costs while letting the environment and the internal pride,  respect, comfort and survival of the human race to be cast out to fend on their own against the forces of the capitalistic society and modernization and technical advancement of society moving rapidly towards an abundance of artificial intelligence and a consequential world of impoverished and depressed human beings suffering physically and mentally as the number of multi-millionaires and billionaires continues to grow. 

GoPP.global: People’s Party and PIE (Public Informational/Educational) Platform

So going back to GoPP and the People’s Party and PIE (Public Informational/Educational) Platform, recognize that clearly things are definitely “out of whack” to the extreme as never before seen in modern society. Priorities have to change in favor of the “common good of humanity and the planet”, with all its flora and fauna or we are all doomed – or at least our children and children’s children will be destined for pain and suffering and possible extinction.  And do not count on Mars or the outer space exploration to save us all (at best, it will be saving a small group of billionaires), and for God’s sake have some empathy for the most desperate and vulnerable members of society who do not know from day to day whether they will have food or water and shelter to survive.

Animals and plant life on land and in the sea are in severe stress in many places and in many ways (from global warming, pollution from chemicals, plastics, etc.), and species extinction rates are on the uptick. Animal habitats are dwindling and are becoming more and more inhabitable by many of our highly stress fellow mammals and on down the chain to coral reefs, etc.  Seeking sole isolation and preservation in disregard to the “whole” is not the answer, and totally disregards the common good of humanity and the planet, and is a solution that a soulless, shallow and hollow “It”/”excuse for a human being” would selfishly devise for the sole purpose of sole survival and living an extravagant and gluttonous life style. So, please join your friends, family, neighbors and others and start taking an active stance and role participating in the process in a civil and law abiding manner by taking measures that will have a “real” and lasting impact on reversing this terrible human life and planet destruction path we are presently on as we keep sliding towards the edge of the abyss.

Check out  and look at the goals and objectives of REAP (Reality Environmental Action Proponents) and do as it suggests. REAP will help you through the process if needed of coming up with a plan of action and hiring the environmental consultants and testing & sampling firms you will need to complete necessary sampling and testing of soils and groundwater surrounding a CRIMe (Chemically Real Intensive Mfg establishment) plant if you suspect they may be polluting the area. You need to do this if you think your neighborhood and community and environment is going unnoticed because you are in a neighborhood served by centralized public water, and consequently almost always receives little or no attention by public environmental and public health officials because your area has low priority because private individual domestic wells are not being polluted because the area does not depend on this type of water supply. So please, get with other neighbors in community (in a PACATO fashion) and organize and implement a contamination investigation involving sampling and testing of suspected contaminated soils, groundwater and surface water (open ditches and creeks, etc.) for your own sake and also for the “community as a whole” because the steady pollution from these CRIMe plants is degrading the quality of our natural water resources, including our public water supply sources, like Lake Michigan, and the whole Great Lakes system.

Also check out PACATO.org, and do as suggested, and form alliances with other individuals, neighborhood associations, nonprofit/nongovernmental advocacy organizations (NGOs), etc., to take more control of the destiny of yourself and your loved ones, rather than simply waiting for local, state and federal government officials to guard over you and come running to the rescue. You simply have to recognize that publicly elected officials have a lot on their plate, including their re-election (generally #1 priority and is often “all” consuming), and priorities may not always be directed at the general welfare and health & safety of your particular neighborhood and community. You, as a local citizen in your area, know your needs better than any outsider or public official who is assigned to numerous communities; and if you shove data in front of them that clearly demonstrates that those CRIMe plants near you have caused chemical contamination and are leaking like sieves, that cannot just walk away from it and ignore it, because that would be a clear UNLAWFUL BREACH OF PUBLIC DUTY if they did (= CRIME).

Also look at GoPP.global (People’s Party and Public Informational/educational Platform as related public concerns in general and the 2020 and other elections), which is a new public educational/informational organization whose primary purpose is to work for the betterment and common good of humanity and the planet. That’s the underlying principle of PP. Everything else related to PP stems from that. Let’s face it, if you have a lousy or declining environment, than life is not all that good for humans or the critters, and plant life; and which for the latter, we humans and many of the critters depend on for a food source. So therefore, a high priority should be given to make sure the environment does not go to hell, and then concentrate on what we humans need to live a reasonably safe, healthy and content life; which just is not possible if your environment is continually degrading.

So besides advocating and fulfilling the goal of protecting/preserving and restoring (as needed) the environment, recognize that there is another underlying principle of PP, which is the protection and preservation (and restoration as needed) of the general welfare and health & safety of the public. Unfortunately, profiteers are not going to do this for us on their own without a little prodding or encouragement. Who is being referred to here are, for example, BIG PHARMA, BIG AG, BIG PETROCHEMICAL, BIG OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers, like automotive, etc.) and hundreds of thousands of other different manufacturing sectors and businesses, which are all fine and good and are needed to advance society in some respects, including the modernization of technologies and new products, etc., that primarily occurs due to the demand of fulfilling human creature comforts, including cures of major diseases and building safer and more efficient products, etc. But we do not need, nor do we desire an aristocrat to achieve the latter, but rather we desire to have a centralized control center to manage and assist all these pieces to this worldly puzzle so the parts fit together with as few disfigured/sharp edges as possible (i.e., as applicable to humans just as much or more than for the inanimate parts – wouldn’t you think??).


So to the crux of the matter, PP advocates for achieving harmony and protection over society by taking measures to assure that the general welfare and health & safety of the public is watched out for by achieving, for example, the following in an overall effort to fulfill this end objective (this is part of a draft initial PIE platform- Public Informational/Educational – which is evolving and will be modified and expanded as comments and suggestions from PP members/supporters come in on GoPP.global). Through the PIE Platform, PP will elaborate and define in detail what exactly these following items consist of in terms of areas and demographics affected, and what problems exist and what are the potential solutions to address these problems/situations and challenges :

1.  Subsistence and shelter is a basic human right – i.e., all people have a basic right to daily food, water and shelter.

2.  All people have a basic right to health (physical and mental), medical, dental and vision care as needed, and perhaps this may be best achieved by a single payer system subsidized on an individual and as needed basis for all.

3.  We should all have the basic right to have daily safe drinking water and sanitary wastewater and solid waste disposal services wherever we are, whether at home, work, or elsewhere. The latter need should be obvious to everyone, because if you don’t do garbage, etc. virtually everywhere (esp. densely populated areas) you will have piles of waste, etc. all over the place, which makes for very unhealthy and unpleasant living conditions.

4.  We should all have the basic right to general public safety and security, which means having government provided public safety/police services and fire and emergency protection services should be available to everyone, which means that there has to be adequate staffing and facilities/equipment to achieve this in an equal and effective manner, including having adequate community public security lighting, neighborhood police patrols, etc.

5.  Social Security (SS) and Medicare (MC) for older citizens and the disabled should be funded forever in this nation (don’t kid yourself in thinking that there are not too many conservative politicians out there that would take all that away from you without public notice at a drop of a hat).


Our public infrastructure needs to be adequately upgraded and expanded in states and communities across the nation using the recommendations and guidance put forth annually by a comprehensive nationwide evaluation/report published by the ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers).  PP will outline and discuss the pros and cons not only of SS and MC, but also privatization of various public infrastructure, and fully explain to the public what the potential impacts may be of the private sector taking over these systems in their ownership or operation because of the predictability of what profiteers will do under these circumstances, which is often scalp off bottom-line expenses related to public health & safety to increase profits at the detriment to the public, while at the same time jacking up the consumer/citizen fees for a less adequate and less safe service. In the past few decades, government funding has been more for the very visible infrastructure improvements, such as capital funding for highway projects (new and expanded highways, etc.), which is all good and needed in most cases; but the selection of these more visible capital public projects is often politically motivated, and at the same time, these same politicians advocating for transportation funding, have neglected the invisible public capital improvement projects that are needed, such as potable drinking water systems, wastewater systems and stormwater drainage systems buried below the ground that have become severely deteriorated, and have even collapsed in some communities requiring that major roads be shut down for emergency repairs. Examples of some of these infrastructure improvements needed are as follows (If all these projects are done and funded, many citizens will have opportunities to work):

1.  Public transportation systems, including airports, roadway and highway systems (including replacement of many unsafe bridges), pedestrian sidewalks/trails, bike lanes/trails, high speed and light rail systems for intra- and inter-community public transportation systems (big metro areas), and bus depots, bus lanes, etc. for other communities.

2.  Wastewater collection, transmission, treatment/reclamation/water reuse systems for all communities based on population density and suitability and availability of land space to achieve individual on-site treatment and disposal (septic tank systems); however, PP discourages the latter in favor of having land use planning requirements that better lends itself to having centralized public utility services in new developments (i.e., water, wastewater and stormwater) because septic tank systems have proven to be unreliable due to property owner maintenance neglect, etc., and consequently, these systems typically contribute to pollution of natural water resources no matter where they are. PP advocates that the government provide funding to replace failing septic tank systems located in neighborhoods across the nation that are multiple decades old, and typically have site conditions unsuitable for onsite disposal, and are causing unchecked major pollution to natural water resources.

3.  Public drinking water supply, treatment, storage and distribution systems in communities needed to supply safe drinking water to its citizens for all communities across the nation based on population density and the need for such systems due to the inadequacy or contamination of individual private domestic well systems; such systems to be used to fulfill multiple water demands in communities, such as that of residential, commercial and industrial development, and fire protection, lawn irrigation systems, process and cooling water, etc. PP will advocate for communities to have “integrated water systems” to the extent technologically feasible, and that there be government funding for such systems, whereby communities reuse treated stormwater and wastewater for non-potable/nondrinking water purposes, such as landscape irrigation, industrial/commercial process and cooling water, flushing of toilets, etc.; and whereby there shall be funding for  water capture and conservation measures to be employed by communities, such as collecting rainwater to be used for multiple purposes, such as landscape irrigation, and the design and construction of green technology/infrastructure systems, to be installed and utilized to store and treat rainfall runoff, such as rain gardens, pervious pavement, etc.

4.  Stormwater conveyance, storage and treatment systems, including the aforementioned items, as well as building major infrastructure systems for the purpose of separating combined stormwater and sanitary wastewater systems where they exist, which cause tremendous pollution to natural water resources due to combined system overflows which occur regularly during periods of heavy precipitation. And the repair/replacement/refurbishment of all the public water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure systems where so badly needed across the nation, especially in older, large metropolitan areas.

5.  Judicial correctional systems – updating, expansions, modifications and replacements where needed of facilities, with heavy emphasis on rehabilitation and decreasing recidivism.

NOTE: As said earlier, due to the obvious conflict of interests, and the likelihood that there would be mismanagement due to operation and maintenance cost shaving and increases in citizen service fees to maximize profits, the prior mentioned public infrastructure systems should not be privatized, but should remain publicly owned, managed and operated; and where they have been privatized, it should be reversed. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency needs to be restored to a truly environmental (not a corporate) protective agency and the U.S. needs to recommit to the Paris Global Climate Change Initiative.

6.  National energy grid system  – Expand, modify and improve in all aspects, with special emphasis on the decreased use of fossil fuels, and the increased use of renewable energy sources (wind, solar, etc.).

7.  Public lands and parks, including government owned national forests, coastal and riverine areas, and parks and monuments, should remain public, and the ownership and rights (mineral rights, etc.) should not be transferred or given to profiteers to exploit these lands for the purpose of individual or corporate financial gain at the expense and detriment to the public; and where this has been done in the past, it should be reversed back to public rights, ownership, management and operation. Additional public lands shall be purchased in the general  public interest and for the preservation of the nation’s natural features, and for the protection and preservation of animal and plant species habitats, including forests, historical monuments, and animal wildlife refuge areas. Government funding shall be given to interconnecting these public habitats across the nation, so animal wildlife may freely and naturally migrate. The government should severely limit and restrict the giving away of mineral rights to private corporate operators on publicly owned and protected lands, such as the petrochemical industry building such infrastructure on these lands, and allowing such corporations to install facilities across, under and over Native American Reservations in disregard to their well being and native historical customs (burial grounds, etc.) and general nationwide significance.

The U.S. Diplomatic agency needs to be restored and brought back to its full staffing capacity to allow diplomatic relations and communications to occur with nations across the globe; especially with our closest democratic allies in NATO, etc.  We understand we cannot serve all nations and people across the globe as we serve our own nation and citizens, but nevertheless, we should always attempt to be good global neighbors/partners. Which highlights again, that we have to fulfill the basic human needs and rights of our nation’s citizens as previously set forth. If American corporations are outsourcing all labor and supply contracts abroad, and all they are doing here is transferring money back and forth and counting their profits, they have to understand that the human able bodied population sitting here in the USA have to be taken care of, and they cannot sit back as well-to-do (wealthy = 1%) citizens and/or corporations and allow other citizens to be deprived of their basic human needs and rights (food, water, shelter, etc.) because these citizens are unable to find work, and thus, a means to support themselves and their loved ones. If our nation can help facilitate philanthropy in other nations in need, we should do so; and in some cases, we should also give direct foreign financial aid if it is in our nation’s overall best interest. And on the other extreme, we should not assist aristocratic, authoritarian/oligarchy type nations, and when they commit acts against humanity or against the sovereignty of our nation or others, we should retaliate as a minimum by imposing significant economic sanctions against them and strictly implement and enforce them until there is long-term demonstration of reform.

This is not the final PP PIE (Public Informational/Educational) Platform, but it is a beginning. There is much more to add, and certainly it will need revisions as more members of the PP participate in this process. The platform needs to spell out in detail how we are strong advocates of equal rights for all, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, age, religious beliefs, etc.; and we should act on taking real steps to resolve the migration issue, especially for the Dreamers; yet on the other hand, we also need to recognize the need to protect our borders and allow foreign migration and the granting of asylum on a limited and controlled basis. And we are strong advocates of women’s reproductive rights; and strong advocates for gun control and safety and the limiting and control of assault type weapons.  So please join in and help the People’s Party and the People’s Party PIE Platform. And please pass the word about GoPP.global so public awareness and knowledge spreads on these many vitally important issues, and so there is maximum public participation in the process, so the public can go forward and be highly informed when speaking to publicly elected and appointed officials whether directly or in a public forum, and most importantly when casting votes on candidates and public proposals, amendments, etc.



“You got to believe Bolie!!”; “The Big Tall Wish” episode, 1960, CBS, Twilight Zone, Rod Serling. Commentary and script lines: About young boy (son of boxer’s lady friend) encouraging his older boxer friend near the end of his boxing career to believe he can win that one big last fight that came in the twilight of his career. “If you don’t believe that ONE BIG WISH it likely will not come true!”.  “I guess the trouble is …. There’s not enough people around to believe….”; “You got to believe Bolie….”.

“The Day the Earth Stood Still”; 1951, 20th Century Fox, Harry Bates.  “Commentary and script lines: About humanoid alien visitors, Klaatu and his side kick robot, Gort, who came to earth to give the President a message during the peak years of nuclear arsenal proliferation that would affect all of humanity. The gift they gave POTUS was a message that simply said “to study life on the other planets”.  The earthlings were not that receptive to these aliens, who eventually packed up and got ready to depart back to their home planet, at which time they told POTUS just before departing as they were closing the spaceship’s hatches: “Join us and LIVE IN PEACE, or pursue your present course and FACE OBLITERATION”.

And then…. “The Day the Earth Stood Crazy“; 2016, FTF (Facebook-Twitter-FOX); GOP/RNC.  “Commentary and script lines: About Real Estate magnate, “It”, who had become a Reality TV “It”, and thereafter got nominated by the GOP/RNC as the party’s presidential nominee, which was then followed by foreign (Russian) manipulation of the USA election process through sophisticated high tech means, which was very conducive and effective means to convey to large swaths of the voting public through the Facebook platform via a lot of propaganda. “It” was the preferred candidate, and the RNC/GOP pronounced that “Its” competitor was a criminal and should be locked up; which was quickly received and reinforced by the “Fair and Balanced” FOX TV Network, which was quickly assigned as the number one advocate and surrogate for “It” up to and during the primary and general election, and thereafter to the present day, as “It” now serves gleefully as the Reality TV POTUS while dealing with gigantic national and international matters far exceeding “Its” limited capacity/capabilities. The aliens have now arrived again and gave POTUS “It” a message stating “You are not going to get elevated to King or dictator, and instead, you will be impeached and disgraced the world over, and the GOP/RNC will become extinct as minorities and women rise in power and influence in U.S. and the world as they work with allies from near and afar to create a more peaceful and sustainable world for the betterment of humanity and our Dear Earth”

… And then remember the quote from the 1976 film: “We’re as mad as hell, and we’re not going to take this anymore!”  Network; 1976; Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer; United Artists; Paddy Chayefsky. Remember that movie?  This fictional story is about a major TV network news anchorman, Howard Beale, who comes unhinged when he finds out that he is slated to be fired in a couple of weeks. After Beale finds out he is a “short timer” at the network, he goes on a tirade during a live broadcast and tells the audience that he will be committing suicide live on TV the next week. Not surprisingly, after that episode, Beale’s boss, the president of the network news was going to fire Beale, but before he could, the network news ratings skyrocketed after Beale’s outburst and the upper echelon brass of the network then chose to exploit Beale’s antics rather than pulling him off the air. While the latter is going on, some internal politicking and staff envy begins to percolate, and then Beale’s boss gets approached by one of Beale’s highly ambitious competitors who wants to see less attention given to Beale’s nightly news program so the top brass (with Beale’s boss’s urging) could devote more time reviewing and hopefully approving the special program she had in the making. In the meantime Beale’s new broadcasts are getting more and more outrageous, and Beale’s boss starts having an affair with Beale’s network co-worker who is aspiring to take over the limelight from Beale with her new program. Things continue to get more complicated and convoluted, as Beale’s boss and his envious competitor get married, and Beale gets moved from the evening news hour over to a special news commentary program, where his rants escalate to the point that Beale is leading a live audience in a chant during the program shouting out “We’re as mad as hell, and we’re not going to take this anymore!”  Beale then finds out that the network board of directors decided to sell the network to a Saudi Arabian conglomerate, after which he goes on air during his program shouting his opposition to the deal. The network corporate brass then start getting nervous that Beale’s ranting on the program is going to kill the deal, which they desperately needed because they were in financial straits. Matters even get worse for the network when Beale’s boss convinces him to end his populist messages and switch over to an “evangel” which included preaching sermons on dehumanization of society, which his television audience found depressing and so they stop watching him, and the network ratings then began to plummet.  At this point the network decides that the only solution to escape the dilemma they were in and pending financial doom was to hire a band of terrorists who were featured in an earlier docudrama series to shoot and kill Beale during one of his live broadcasts, which is what they did. After Beale’s live assassination broadcast on the network as viewed by tens of millions of people, the earlier docudrama series about the terrorists began airing again, and as the network was broadcasting the story of Beale’s untimely death, a voiceover during the program proclaims the film to be “the story of Howard Beale, the first known instance of a man who was killed because he had lousy ratings”. SO WHAT’S THE LESSON TO LEARN FROM THIS STORY AS WE ARE SHOUTING OUT OUR WINDOWS THAT “WE’RE AS MAD AS HELL, AND WE’RE NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!”??  LET’S JUST HOPE THAT POTUS “It” IS NOT SUCCESSFUL AT ENDING “Its” DILEMMA AND LOUSY POLL RATINGS BY SENDING THE TROOPS (military, police and Bikers for POTUS  “It”) IN AN AGGRESSIVE FASHION AFTER US PATRIOTIC PEACEFUL CITIZENS WHO ARE MERELY WALKING, SINGING, CHANTING AND DOING THE PUPPET DANCE WHILE WEARING OUR “RUSSIAN NEFARIOUS COLLUSION” T-SHIRTS AND CAPS.

FINAL NOTE ON THE real RNC/GOP: They chose POTUS “It” through their nomination process and it was inevitable that eventually this poor excuse for a USA political party was going to choose an authoritarian oligarch.  The RNC/GOP HAS LITTLE TO DO WITH THE UNDERLYING PRINCIPLE OF HAVING A GOVERNMENT OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE. The RNC/GOP has repeatedly demonstrated to us over many decades that they want a government that is of, by and for the corporations and the one percenters, which is an UGLY self centered/self serving network of corporate owners and their loyal allies of elected and appointed public officials and hard working/highly compensated lobbyist, who interchange between these three positions on a regular basis. The RNC/GOP owns POTUS “It” who exemplifies the primary principle driving the RNC/GOP: “THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS”.  You could say that the choosing of POTUS “It” by the RNC/GOP who nominated “It” and the eventual corrupt, manipulated and Russian colluded process that got “It” elected was the MEANS; and you can also say “It’s” the END, BECAUSE THIS WILL SURELY BE THE END OF THE RNC/GOP (get them micro-chipped), and what this party and the 30 to 35% of supporters of POTUS “It” will call themselves in the future is anyone’s guess, but likely it will be the NEW CONFEDERATES, which will surely be fine with Sen. Graham.


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CRIMe plants cause decades- and century-long REAL insidious and steady contamination of natural water resources, such as freshwater, private and public groundwater (wells) and surface water (lakes) drinking water supply sources, including Lake Michigan and the Great Lakes system as a whole.  Thus another reason for calling them CRIME plants, is simply because what they have been, and are still doing at many locations under many laws REALLY constitutes multiple violations of local, state and federal laws as covered by local ordinances and state and federal statutes, of which there are many that deal with these type of crimes. What these leaky CRIME PLANTS are, and have been doing, is causing REAL negative impacts, not only to the environment, but also to the general welfare (property devaluations, etc.) and the health & safety of the public locally (e.g., Grand Rapids Metro*) and in the State (e.g., MI) and Region (e.g., Midwest/Great Lakes) – the latter highlighted here as the “POSTER” community, state and region where the CRIMe plant issue is prevalent. The criminals/perpetrators associated with the violations occurring at these leaky CRIMe plants are the OWNERS/OPERATORS of these plants, including those in their employ or contracted with this plants related to this misdeeds (esp. the licensed professionals who have sworn to the PUBLIC OATH – engineers, attorneys, etc.), and the elected and appointed public officials who have sworn to this same PUBLIC OATH of “protecting the general welfare and health & safety of the PUBLIC” as they are turning a blind eye and deaf ear to it all.

Citizens just have to accept these cold hard facts, and stop waiting around for the local, state and federal public officials and their agencies or the big powerful plaintiff attorneys to come to your rescue, because this JUST AIN’T GOING TO HAPPEN!! The plaintiff attorneys aren’t coming soon to take your case on a contingency basis (only paid if they win) because the potential damages that might be awarded in court just don’t add up to enough to satisfy their wallets because you live in a neighborhood that is served by pubic water so you haven’t been drinking enough of the CRIMe plant’s nasty chemicals over the years, or been poisoned enough by some other means like excessive air toxics through the air (air permit violations) or from contaminated groundwater oozing into your basement or into the soils, ditches, creeks, etc. where your children play. And then proving that you or your loved ones have been afflicted with the onset of cancer some ten years later is always hard to predict and prove. And since you live in a low to medium income neighborhood, any devaluation in your property values will only amount to a day’s worth of pocket change for the rich/fancy plaintiff attorney who doesn’t work cheap.

SO YOUR ONLY HOPE IS THIS: YOU AND YOUR NEIGHBORS get together, and get involved with “REAP” (youREAPwhatyousow.org) and PACATO.org (Principled American Citizens and Allies Together to Orchestrate) and get out there and sample and test around these CRIMe plants and bring that incriminating evidence,  (while at the same time publicizing the issue) that I am sure you will find (fingerprint chemicals associated with plant), to the public elected and appointed officials/agencies, and tell them you want to see that the violating CRIMe plant be held accountable and that the plant ceases polluting the environment and the public and that they initiate corrective action immediately, including environmental remediation and upgrading their plant with appropriate environmental safeguards, and to cease operations until they do so. And if duly elected and appointed public officials and their agencies respond as they have so many times in the past with a deaf ear and a blind eye and they don’t pursue enforcement (e.g., Year 2000, MI AG and Governor and his DEQ: see attachments in youREAPwhatyousow.org) then you have no other choice, other than going the next step higher to the state and federal court system and file legal action against these public officials for CLEAR, UNDENIABLE AND ILLEGAL “BREACH OF PUBLIC DUTY”. You simply have to recognize that you and “we as a whole”, have so much stacked against us; i.e., we have a political system that funds, caters and works to elect these public officials that is flush with high paying, and highly networked lobbyists, who are typically former public elected or appointed officials, who work 24/7 for the wealthy CRIMe plant owners and their manufacturing/trade associations, and OEMs, etc. – original equipment manufacturers – GM, Ford, etc.).  So until we can truly get good public representation (i.e., “a government of, by and for the people” – perhaps with a few less hundred thousand connected self-serving attorneys and multi-millionaires/billionaires interwoven into these positions), all we can do is “take these matters into our own hands” in a law abiding manner according to our legal rights as `just described.

*Home of Secretary DeVos, the Amagram, Amdroids (multi-level pyramid marketing), self-righteous CRC and POTUS “Its” Midwest Headquarters (POTUS “It” has been there repeatedly, and was there on election night 2016, when “It” won/stole the election, and is due there again any day following “Its” sidekick AG’s Barr’s announcement after a quick review of Mueller report that “It” was exonerated on Russian collusion  but not on obstruction of justice, although “It” said “It” was exonerated on both (LIE), which certainly Special Prosecutor Mueller fully intended that Congress would look into further).              

*Also home of many CRIMe plants that have been there polluting the area and the public for going on a century, including chromium electroplaters, leather tanneries, paper/pulp mills (Muskegon) and a heavy concentration of other metal and surface finishers, including a whole assortment of electroplating plants plating various heavy metals, such as copper, nickel, zinc, etc. Great place to walk through a field of white lilies on your way with the flock to your favorite Christian church; but not so great if you’re among the dandelions and don’t follow the ways of the flock and congregate among the non CRC, non Christians, agnostics or atheists. 


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